國立雲林科技大學授課科目教學計畫表 |
P.1 |
科目名稱:通信系統 Communication Systems |
學期課號:9921253 |
講授-實習-學分:3-0-3 |
學年:99 |
學期:下 |
系所年級:四電機三 |
教師:張軒庭 |
教學目標:以「信號與系統」及「機率」兩門課程為基礎,講授類比通信系統以及脈波調變的基本原理。課程中除了強調系統架構以及品質外,也希望藉由課程的討論,引導出數位通信的概念,為後續課程奠立基礎。 This course deals
with the basic concepts of analog communication systems, which include Fourier
spectrum analysis, basic modulation techniques, and the random process. In
addition, the introduction on digital communication systems will be provided.
The students who take this course should have the background of Signals and
Systems and Probabilities. |
教學活動及評量方式: 課堂講解,評量方式: 平時成績:出席率與課程參與情況10% |
教科書及參考書(請依作者,書名,版次,出版人,出版地,出版年月,起訖頁次等順序填寫): Text Books: 1.
Haykin, “Communication Systems,” 5th ed., John
Wiley and Sons Inc. 2009歐亞書局代理 2.
Ziemer and Tranter, Principles of
Communications – systems, modulations, and noise,” 6th Edition,
John Wiley& Sons Inc. 2010偉明書局代理 |
其他說明:(Office Hours、上課時間、教室…) Office
Hour: Thursday 9:00~12:00 Room:
EL233 Phone:
05-5342601 ext. 4263 Email:
htchang@yuntech.edu.tw |
學程召集:人: |
填表教師: |
張軒庭 |
或系所主管 |
100年1月13日 |
註:請授課教師依教學大綱填寫本表,並分送課程所屬學程(或系所)及上課班級學生。 |
國立雲林科技大學授課科目教學計畫表 |
P.2 |
科目名稱:通信系統 |
週次 |
上課日期 |
教 學 與 作 業 進 度 |
備 註 |
1 |
100/2/24 |
Prolog |
2 |
100/3/3 |
Fourier transform |
3 |
100/3/10 |
Properties of Fourier transform |
4 |
100/3/17 |
Fourier transform of periodic signals |
5 |
100/3/24 |
Filters and systems |
6 |
100/3/31 |
Amplitude modulation |
7 |
100/4/7 |
放假 |
8 |
100/4/14 |
DSB-SC and quadrature-carrier multiplexing |
9 |
100/4/21 |
期中考 |
10 |
100/4/28 |
SSB and VSB |
11 |
100/5/5 |
Phase and frequency modulation |
12 |
100/5/12 |
Phase locked loops |
13 |
100/5/19 |
Superheterodyne receiver |
14 |
100/5/26 |
Probability |
15 |
100/6/2 |
Random variables |
16 |
100/6/9 |
Radom processes |
17 |
100/6/16 |
Transmission of a random processes through a liner filter |
18 |
100/6/23 |
期末考 |
19 |
20 |