參加 The 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2020), 發表論文一篇,Bepu Japan, 2020/1/13-16
Reviewer for Animals, 1 paper, 2020/1
Reviewer for Optics Express, 1 paper, 2019/12
2019 3DSA, TPC member, Sapporo Japan, 11/27-29
參加 2019 National Computer Symposium, 發表論文一篇,Kinmen, 11/13-14
2019 CVGIP, TPC member, 發表論文一篇, 8/25-27, Taidong Taiwan
Reviewer for Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2019/8
Reviewer for CVGIP 2019, 3 papers, 2019/7
Reviewer for APSIPA 2019, 2 papers, 2019/7
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 2019/7
參加 2019 International Conference on Advanced Technology and Innovation (ICATI 2019), 發表論文一篇,Sapporo Japan, 2019/7/14-18
勤益科技大學 資工系 深度學習應用實務 演講 2019/4/10
2019台灣電信年會,Reviewer (3 papers), 發表論文一篇,Best paper award, Taichung Taiwan, 2019/1/24-26
2018 International Computer Symposium, reviewer (3 papers), TPC member, 1 paper, 12/20-22
Reviewer for Optik, 2018/10
2018 3DSA, reviewer (5 papers), TPC member, 1 paper, 8/29-31
2018 CVGIP, reviewer (4 papers), TPC member, Session Chair, 1 paper, 8/19-21, Tainan Taiwan
2018 旭泰科技論文競賽 8/6
2018 OSA Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging Topical Meeting, Orlando Florida, 1 paper, 6/24-29
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 2018/5
Reviewer for Chinese Optics Letters, 2018/4
2017 3DIDA 會員大會,Best Master Thesis Award, 2017/12
2017 中原資工系演講 9/27
Reviewer for 科學與工程技術期刊,2017/9
Reviewer for Optical Engineering, 2017/9
2017 3DSA, paper, Busan Korea 8/28-9/1
2017 CVGIP, Program co-chair, reviewer (3 papers), 1 paper, Nantou Taiwan, 8/21-23
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 2017/7
2017 Digital Life Technology (DLT) Conference, Best Paper Award, 6/24
2017 ICCE-TW, paper , 6/12-14
Reviewer for Chinese Optics Letters, 2017/4
Reviewer for Optics Express, 2017/2
參加The 2017 International Conferrence on Artificial ALife and Robotics,發表論文一篇,Miyazaki, JAPAN, 2017/1/19-22.
參加International Workshop on Holography and Related Technology (IWH 2016), invited lecture, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan, 2016/11/11~13
Reviewer for Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016/10
參加TANET 2016,花蓮東華大學,發表論文一篇,2016/10/19
參加The 4th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing,發表論文一篇,Kyoto Japan, 2016/9/8-12
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 2016/9
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 2016/8
Reviewer for The 29th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2016),
屏東大學資工系演講,演講題目:Early stage gastric cancer detection in magnified NBI endoscopy images, 2016/05/19
參加2016 IEEE BigMM Conference, 發表論文一篇,Taipei, 2016/4/20-22
Reviewer for Applied Physics Letters, 2016/3
元智大學光電系演講,演講題目:Early stage gastric cancer detection in magnified NBI endoscopy images, 2016/2/26
Reviewer for IEEE BigMM Conference, 2016/1
參加穿戴式裝置智慧加值應用國際論壇 2015/10/6-7
The International Program Committee Member of CYBCONF 2015 (2nd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics), Gdynia Poland, 24-26 June 2015
2015 OSA Topical Meeting on The Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, 發表論文兩篇,Shanghai, 24-28 May 2015
Invited Speaker in Grand Rounds, Department of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Title of presentation:
Computer-Aided Processing for Endoscopy Images, Kiewit Auditorium, AZCC, Feb. 25, 2015
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 2014/12
參加The 98th OSA Annual Meeting on Fronter in Optics and Laser Sciences (2014 FiO/LS)發表論文一篇,Tucson, Arizona, 19-23 October 2014
Reviewer for International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2014/9
Reviewer for CVGIP 2014, 2014/8
Reviewer for Optics Express, 2014/6
元智大學光電系演講,演講題目:Image multiplexing and encryption based on phase extraction and modulation,2014/05/16
國立台灣師範大學光電所演講,演講題目:Multiple-image multiplexing and encryption based on phase extraction algorithms,2014/04/24
擔任2014年網路智能與應用研討會(NCMIA 2014)審稿員, 2014/02
擔任2014年第八屆資訊科技國際研討會(AIT2014)審稿員, 2014/02
Reviewer for The World Science Journal, 2014/2
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 2014/1
Reviewer for The World Science Journal, 2 papers, 2013/12
參加全國計算機會議(National ComputerSymposium, NCS 2013),擔任議程主持人,發表論文一篇,2013/12/13-14
國立雲林科技大學資管系演講,演講題目:My recent studies on medical image processing,2013/12/11
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering, one paper, 2013/12
Reviewer for Applied Optics, two papers, 2013/12
List as Member of Editorial Board of The World Science Journal (signal processing subject area), 2013/11
參加交大光電所舉辦演講:3D影像、視覺與顯示大師, Prof. Bahram Javidi, 講座教授演講, 2013/11/1
Reviewer for Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, 2013/10
參加『革命性「光場」技術相機技術原理講座2013』,Taipei, 2013/10/3
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 2013/9
Review committee member for TIEEE best thesis awards, 2013/9
Reviewer for Optics and Lasers Engineering, 2013/9
參加『醫學影像電腦輔助診斷(Computer Aid Detection/Diagnosis)產學座談會』,Taipei, 2013/9/5
參加The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'13),
發表論文兩篇。Osaka Japan, 2013/07/4-8
擔任全國計算機會議(National ComputerSymposium, NCS 2013)之議程委員,2013/7
Reviewer for Biomedical Engineering, 2013/6
參加DL2013數位生活科技研討會,發表論文一篇,Yunlin Taiwan, 102/6/27-28
Reviewer for Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, 2013/6
Reviewer for Digital Life Technology 2013 Conference, 2013/5
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 2013/3
擔任2013年第七屆資訊科技國際研討會(AIT2013)審稿員, 2013/02
Reviewer and Technical Program Committee Member of IASTED International Conferences on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2013), 2 papers, 2012/11
Reviewer for Optics Communications, one paper, 2012/12
Reviewer for Journal of Electronic Imaging, one paper, 2012/10
Reviewer for Applied Optics, one paper, 2012/10
參加台北國際發明展教育部館,展出作品:「電腦輔助內視鏡系統:新穎內視鏡導航系統藉由階層影像分割演算法輔助內視鏡之插入」,2012/09/20~23, Taipei Taiwan
Reviewer for 2012 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA 2012), three papers, 2012/08
參加The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2012), 產學媒合技術發表會展示兩件作品,
Reviewer for 興大工程學刊, 一篇,2012/08
參加2012 International Conference on Information Security and Intelligent Control (ISIC 2012), 發表論文一篇,Yunlin Taiwan, 8/14~16, 2012
參加DLT2012數位生活科技研討會,發表論文一篇,Yunlin Taiwan, 8/15~16, 2012
獲選為SPIE Senior Member, 2012/07
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, one paper, 2012/07
參加The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012 (ICEE 2012), 發表論文一篇,Kanazawa, Japan, July 8-12, 2012
Reviewer for International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, one paper, 2012/5
Technical Program Committee Member and Reviewer for The 10th IASTED International Conference on. Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2012), July 3-5, 2012.
國立虎尾科技大學電資學院演講,演講題目:Computer vision applications on endoscopy navigation and ultrasonic image processing,2012/5/29
Reviewer for EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, one paper, 2012/4 and 2012/7
Reviewer for Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, one paper, 2012/03
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, one paper, 2012/03
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 2012/1
Reviewer for Optical Engineering, 2012/1
NST 2011 全國電信研討會議程委員,論文審查, 最佳學生論文獎評審委員,2011/11
Reviewer for Applied Optics, one paper, 2011/10
Reviewer for Optics Express, one paper, 2011/10
International Program Committee (IPC) Member of The 3rd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence - Technologies and Applications, 21-23 September 2011, Gdynia, Poland
TIEE 最佳論文獎審查委員,2011/9
參加2011 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’11),發表論文一篇,Boston USA, 2011/8/31~9/5
參加2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Wireless Communication Symposium (APWCS 2011), 發表論文一篇,Singapore, 2011/8/22~23
2011數位生活科技研討會議程委員,特別議程主持人, 發表論文四篇,2011/7/8
參加IEEE Signal Processing Society Summer School on 3D and High Definition/High Contrast Video Processing Systems, 清華大學, 2011/7/4~6
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2011/5
Reviewer for The 3rd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence - Technologies and Applications
(ICCCI 2011), 7 papers, 2011/5
IASTED International Conference on Computational Photography (CPhoto 2011), Member of the International Program Committee (IPC),Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 1-3, 2011.
Reviewer for Journal of Biomedical Imaging, one paper, 2011/4
國科會計畫初審委員, 2011/4
Reivewer for 2011 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2011), 3 papers, 2011/4
國立聯合大學光電系演講,演講題目:Introduction to optical image encryption and verification techniques, 2011/3/29
參訪高雄中國鋼鐵公司 2011/3/8
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, one paper, 2011/3
Reviewer for IASTED International Conference on Computational Photography (CPhoto 2011), 2 papers, 2011/3
參加2011 The International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA2011), 發表會議論文2篇, 並擔任議程主持人與最佳壁報論文評審委員, Okinawa Japan, Jan 18-20, 2011
MMM2011 -- The 17th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Technical Program Committee Member,
Taipei Taiwan, 2011/1/5-7
Reviewer for IET Image Processing, 一篇,(2011/1)
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 2010/12
建國科大學電子系演講,演講題目:視訊監控系統中移動物件之分析與應用, 2010/11/30
Reviewer for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institude (ETRI) journal, one paper, 2010/11
Reviewer for Optics Communications, 一篇,(2010/11)
參加2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence - Technologies and Applications,
Program Committee Member and Special Session Chair, 發表會議論文三篇, November 10-12, 2010 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2010), Steering Committee, Tainan Taiwan, 2009/11
MINES 2010 -- 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security,
Technical Committee Member, Nanjing China, 2010/11/4-6
2010 The 11th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2010), Technical Committee Member, Shanghai China, 2010/9/21-24
建國科大學報論文審查, one paper, 2010/9
2010 The 23rd IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2010), 擔任議程主持人,發表會議論文一篇, Kaohsium Taiwan, 2010/8/15-17
Reviewer for Optics Letters, one paper, 2010/8
參加 2010 Visual Communications and Image Processing, Huangshan, An-Hui, China, 11-14 July, 2010
Reviewer for Optical Engineering, one paper, 2010/6
建國科大學報論文審查, one paper, 2010/5
Reviewer for 53rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,one paper, 2010/5
Reviewer for The 2010 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2010), 5 papers, 2010/5
參加2010年民生電子論壇, 出席民生電子學會99年第一次理監事會議, 2010/5/7~8
入圍「第七屆國家新創獎」複審 ,2010/3/30
Reviewer for Optics Letters, one paper, 2010/3
Reviewer for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Journal, 2010/2
Reviewer for 2010 資訊科技國際研討會(AIT2010), 2010/1
Reviewer for Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, one paper, 2010/1
Reviewer for Optics Letters, one paper, 2009/12
Reviewer for IET Image Processing, one paper, 2009/12
Reviewer for IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), 5 papers, 2009/11
2009 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2009), Steering Committee, 2009/11
Reviewer for Optics Letters, one paper, 2009/11
2009 MATLAB/Simulink技術與應用文章/論文徵文比賽佳作論文獎, 2009/10/20
Reviewer for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institude (ETRI) journal, one paper, 2009/10
參加2009 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA)
Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2009), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, 發表會議論文一篇, Japan, October 4-7, 2009
國立台南大學電機系演講,演講題目:視訊監控系統中移動物件之行為分析, 2009/10/1
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, one paper, (2009/9)
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering, two papers, 2009/9
The 2009 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2009), Publication Co-chair, 2009/7
Reviewer for The 2009 Pafific-Rim conference on Multimedia (PCM2009), four papers, 2009/7
Reviewer for 2009 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2009), 5 papers, 2009/7
The International Program Committee (IPC) member for the IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, VIIP 2009, 2009/7/13~15
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering, one paper, 2009/7
Reviewer for Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, one paper, 2209/7
參加2009海峽兩岸資訊科學與資訊技術學術交流會議, 台灣 宜蘭, 發表會議論文一篇, 2009年06月24-26日
Reviewer for Optical Engineering, 一篇,2009/6
Reviewer for Digital Signal Processing, one paper, 2009/6
參加2008 IEEE International Conference of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), 發表論文2篇, Taipei, May 24~27 2009
參加2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, 發表會議論文兩篇 (2009/4/24-25), Taichung Taiwan
Reviewer for IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, VIIP 2009, Second review - 3 papers (2009/5)
Reviweer for International Journal of Elelctrical Engineering,一篇, (2009/4)
Reviewer for Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetics Applications, 一篇,(2009/4)
Reviewer for Optics Communications, 一篇,(2009/4)
Reviewer for IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, VIIP 2009, First reviewer - 3 papers (2009/3)
Reviewer for Journal of Chaoyang, 2 papers (2009/3)
Revoewer for research proposal of Chienkuo University of Technology, (2009/3)
Reviewer for Digital Signal Processing, 一篇,(2009/3)
參加雲科大工程學院舉辦織工程教育認證研討會 (2009/3/5)
Reviewer for 2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2009), (2009/2)
Reviewer for Optics Express, 一篇,(2009/1)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 一篇,(2009/1)
參加International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2009 (A joint conference with The IEICE Information and Systems Society,
Technical Committee on Medical Imaging),發表會議論文一篇, January 19~21, Taipei, 2009
國立清華大學通訊所演講,演講題目:Joint image encryption and multiplexing based on non-negative matrix factorization scheme, 2008/12/19
臺北市立教育大學資訊科學系演講,演講題目:Introduction on human face prediction, 2008/12/3
國立中山大學電機系演講,演講題目:Joint multiple-image encryption using fractal coding and non-negative matrix factorization, 2008/12/2
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering (2008/11)
國立暨南大學通訊所演講,演講題目:Introduction on human face prediction, 2008/11/7
Reviewer for Optics Communications (2008/11)
Reviewer for Digital Signal Processing, one paper, (2008/10)
國立中山大學資工系演講,演講題目:Human aging face prediction based on non-negative matrix factorization, 2008/10/24
Reviewer for International Journal of Advanced Information Technology (2008/6)
Reviewer for Journal of Optical Society of America, A - Optics, Image Science, and Vision (2008/6)
參加2008 IEEE International Conference of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008), 發表論文一篇, Seattle, May 18~21 2008
The International Program Committee (IPC) member for the IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, VIIP 2008, 2008/8/29~31
Reviewer for Journal of Optics and Laser Technology (2008/4)
Reviewer for Journal of Chaoyang (2008/4), three papers
Reviewer for 17th International Conference On Computer Communications And Networks (ICCCN2008) (2008/4)
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering (2008/4)
Reviewer for Applied Optics (2008/4)
Reviewer for Optics Communications (2008/3)
Reviewer for 2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2008), (2008/2)
Reviewer for Optical Engineering (2008/1)
Reviewer for 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008), (2007/11)
Reviewer for National Computer Symposium (2007/10), two papers
Reviewer for Optics Express (2007/10)
The International Program Committee (IPC) member for the IASTED International
Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, VIIP 2007, 2007/8/29~31
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (2007/6)
Reviewer for Optics Express (2007/6)
Reviewer for Applied Optics (2007/5)
逢甲大學光電系演講,演講題目:Introduction to optical image encryption & verification techniques, 2007/5/8
Reviewer for 2007 IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (2007/5)
參加2007 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, Taichung Taiwan,發表二篇論文,2007/4/28
Reviewer for Optical Engineering (2007/4)
Reviewer for Information Science (2007/4)
Reviewer for Applied Optics (2007/3)
Reviewer for Journal of Real Time Image Processing (2007/3)
Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2007), 三篇,(2007/3)
2006 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Pasadena USA, 發表一篇論文,December 18~20, 2006
2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications,正修科技大學,發表4篇論文,2006/12/1~2
東海大學畜產與生物科技系演講,演講題目:Introduction to DNA sequence visualization, 2006/11/27
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 一篇,(2006/11)
國立成功大學資工系演講,演講題目:Image mating coding and its applications,(2006/10/27)
Reviewer for Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 一篇,(2006/10)。
2006 International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Computing (ParDMCom-06), Program Committee Member and reviewer, (2006/09)
Reviewer for TANET2006 (台灣網際網路研討會), 6篇,(2006/09)。
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 一篇,(2006/08)
2006 Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP2006) Conference, 發表兩篇論文,並擔任Session Chair,桃園鴻禧大溪別館,(2006/8/13~16)
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 一篇,(2006/08)
Reviewer for Applied Optics,一篇,(2006/06)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on on Information Technology in Biomedicine (TITB), 一篇,(2006/04)
Visiting Taiwan Semiconductor Manifacture Company (TSMC) in Tainan Scienctific Park, 2006/05/23
Reviewer for IEEE GlobCom, 一篇,(2006/04)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 一篇,(2006/03)
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 一篇,(2006/03)
Reviewer for for 4th International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS'06), 七篇,(2006/03)
南台科技大學Light Tools光源設計軟體研習,(95/03/08)
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 一篇,(2006/02)
Visiting AUO Optronics Corp. in Taichung Scienctific Park, 2006/01/20
主辦2005年雲科大無線多媒體與視訊處理研討會 (WMVP2005 at Yuntech, 94/12/23)
2005全國民生電子暨信號處理研討會 (2005 WCEsp),會議共同主席,(94/11/17,18)
陽明大學生物資訊研究所演講,演講題目:Genomic signal processing for DNA sequence analysis (94/11/04)
IEEE International Conference Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2005), Shanghai, 發表一篇論文,(10/30~11/02, 2005)
主辦2005年雲科大電腦視覺與影像處理研討會 (2005 WCVIP at Yuntech),(94/10/03)
2005 Bioinformatics in Taiwan (BIT2005) Conference, 發表兩篇壁報論文,成功大學,(94/09/09~10)
The Seventh IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2005), Hawaii Honolulu,發表一篇論文,並擔任Session Chair(2005/8/15~18)
The Third Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2005), Singapore,發表一篇論文,(2005/1/18~21)
Reviewer for Optics Letters, 一篇,(2005/05)
Reviewer for Optical Engineering, 一篇,(2005/02)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 一篇,(2005/02)
Reviewer for 2005 3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE-2005), 一篇,(2005/03)
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 二篇,(2005/04)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 一篇,(2004/01)
Reviewer for Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, 一篇,(2004/02)
Reviewer for Optics Communications,一篇,(2004/02)
Reviewer for 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'04), 十六篇, (2004/02)
Reviewer for 2004 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'04), 一篇, (2004/02)
Reviewer for Journal of Information Science and Engineering, (2004/05/02)
Reviewer for 2004 APCCAS, (2004/05/25)
Reviewer for Journal of Optical Society of America A - Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 一篇,(2004/06)
2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2004), 發表一篇論文,(2004/06/28~3, Taipei)
2004電腦視覺、圖像與影像處理會議 (CVGIP'2004) (92/08/15~17,花蓮)(發表一篇論文)
2004 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2004), 發表一篇論文,(2004/08/31~09/03, Beijing)
2004 Bioinformatics in Taiwan (BIT2004), 發表一篇壁報論文, (2004/09/11, Taipei)
Reviewer for Optics Letters,一篇,(2004/10)
中正大學電機系演講,演講題目:Inter-secured joint image compression and encryption by use of fractal mating coding,
參加台灣積體電路設計學會「卓越講座」,九十三年十一月五日 (星期五),新竹煙波大飯店湖濱本館會議廳。
Reviewer for ISCAS2005,三篇,(2002/11/21)
2004 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing (WCEsp04), 發表一篇論文,並擔任會議議程主持人(93/11/17~18,交通大學)
2004台灣光電科技研討會(Optics & Photonics Taiwan'04),發表兩篇論文,(93/12/18~19, 中壢中央大學)
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Image Processing,一篇,(2003/01)
2003 Asia-Pacific Bioinformatic Conference, Adelaide Australia, 2003/02/03~07(發表一篇論文)
Reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 一篇,(2003/02)
Reviewer for Optics Letters,一篇,(2003/03)
Reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 一篇,(2003/03)
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Image Processing,一篇,(2003/04)
Reviewer for Optics Communications,一篇,(2003/04)
建國學報第二十二期論文審查委員 (92/04) 兩篇
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Signal Processing,一篇,(2003/05)
Reviewer for Optics Letters,一篇,(2003/06)
SPIE 2003 Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, (2003/08/03~7)(發表三篇論文)
Reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 一篇,(2003/08)
2003電腦視覺、圖像與影像處理會議 (CVGIP'2003) (92/08/17~19,金門)(發表一篇論文,並擔任會議議程主持人)
Reviewer for Applied Optics,一篇,(2003/09)
Reviwer for WCE2003,三篇,(2003/10)
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 一篇,(2003/10)
Reviewer for Applied Optics, 一篇,(2003/10)
虎尾技術學院光電工程與材料科技研究所演講,演講題目:Introduction to optical-based information security, (2003/11/14)
2003 Workshop on Comsumer Electronics (WCE2003)發表四篇論文,並擔任會議議程主持人(92/11/27~28,成功大學)
The 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2003), 發表一篇論文,(2003/12/16~19, Taipei)
2003台灣光電科技研討會(Optics & Photonics Taiwan'03), 發表一篇論文,(92/12/25~26, Taipei)
Reviewer for IEEE 2002 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME),三篇,(2002/3)
國立中興大學電機系演講,演講題目:Some advances in optical security systems for image encryption and verification (91/03/09)
經濟部專利侵害鑑定研習班 (91/03/18~22,新竹市經濟部專業人員訓練中心)。
建國學報第二十一期論文審查委員 (91/04) 一篇
2002 International Topical Meeting on Optics in Computing, Taipei Taiwan, April 8~11, 2002
Reviewer for International Journal on Systems Science,一篇,(2002/4)
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Image Processing,一篇,(2002/5)
2002 International Lecture Series on Multimedia and Image Processing Systems,淡江大學(91/06/03~04)
2002 SPIE 2002 Annual Meeting, Seattle USA, (2002/07/08~11)(發表兩篇論文)
Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Image Processing,一篇,(2002/7)
2002 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Laussane Switzerland, (2002/08/26~29)(發表一篇論文)
Reviewer for Optics Letters,一篇,(2002/09)
Reviewer for中國電機工程師學刊,一篇,(2002/09)
中興大學國內業界/學界SOC技術及趨勢研討會,Platform-based SOC design,(91/11/08)
Reviewer for ISCAS2003,十二篇,(2002/11/22)
2002 Workshop on Comsumer Electronics (WCE2002) 暨國科會電信學門(訊號處理)及3C計畫成果發表會 (91/12/16,清華大學)
Reviewer for Optics Letters,一篇,(2002/12)
元智大學電機系演講,演講題目:Image verification for optical security systems,(91/12/27)
2001 IS&T/SPIE Annual Conference on Electronic Imaging, San Jose (2001/01/21~26)(發表一篇論文)
Reviewer for IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, (2001/1)
國立中正大學資工系演講,演講題目:光學影像加密與解密 (90/6/7)
Reviewer for WCE2001, 四篇, (90/08/29)
2001 Workshop on Comsumer Electronics (WCE2001) 暨國科會電信學門研究成果發表會 (90/10/17~19,台北世貿中心)
89年技專院校教師赴公民營機構實務研習,工業類:數位信號DSP TMS 320C50晶片應用與製作 (89/07/24~28)
Reviewer for IEEE Trans. on Circuit and System, II (2000/8)
2000電腦視覺、圖像與影像處理會議 (CVGIP'2000) (89/08/19~20,台北三峽)
2000 Workshop on Comsumer Electronics (WCE2000) 暨國科會電信學門研究成果發表會 (89/10/19~20,台灣大學)
Reviewer for Optical Engineering special issue on Photonics Taiwan (兩篇)(2000/12)
1999 數位視訊處理短期課程(88/2/10,中正大學)
台中榮總資訊室演講,演講題目:碎形影像壓縮技術簡介 (88/4)
朝陽科技大學第九屆全國資訊安全會議 (88/05/14~15)
朝陽科技大學電子商務課程 (88/07/07~88/07/09)
1999電腦視覺、圖像與影像處理會議 (CVGIP'99) (88/08/22~24)
1999 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'99) (88/10/25~28)(發表一篇論文)
1999 International Symposium on Communication (ISCOM'99)暨國科會電信學門研究成果發表會 (88/11/09)
1999全國計算機會議 (NCS99),淡江大學(發表一篇論文),(88/12/20~21)
Reviewer for Best student paper award in 1998 IEEE SMC (1998/9)
1998International Computer Symposium (ICS 98)(1998/12/17~19)成功大學(發表一篇論文)
1997 International Electromagnetics Research Symposium (86/1)
傳邦電子股份有限公司演講,演講題目:Introduction to PCI Bus (86/8)
1997 Workshop on Consumer Electronics: Digital Video and Multimedia (86/10)
SPIE Photonics Taiwan'96 (85/12)
Reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (1996)
SPIE's Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing'95 (84/5)
Reviewer for Optical Engineering special issue on Optical Holography (1995/12)
1994IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (83/9)
1993 International Symposium on Communications, (1993/12)
1992 International Conference on Microwaves & Communications (1992/6)
Last modified 2020/1/9