
* Chapter 1 Introduction
* Chapter 2 Enabling Technologies
* Chapter 3 Introduction to Computer Graphics
* Chapter 4 Vector Graphis
* Chapter 5 Bitmapped Images
* Chapter 6 Colors
* Chapter 7 video
* Chapter 8 Animation
* Chapter 9 Sound
* Chapter 17 Media and Networks

Some old versions of the PPT slides used in the class:
* Chapter 4 Vector Graphis
* Chapter 5 Bitmapped Images
* Chapter 9 Sound

Homework Assignments

#1: (2/20) 未來十年訊息科技大預測,請自行用google搜尋即可找到相關網頁與訊息。找出你有興趣的一項, 將其應用產品或相關技術資料整理出來,並寫上你的心得或感想,於2/27(星期五)以前以email方式繳交。

#2: (3/13) Image posterization - Given an 8-bit (256) grayscale image Lena of size 512x512, please show the images with reduced grayscale resolutions (7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 bits). Please right click on the file "Lena" to save the raw data into your computer. Use the following command imload.m to load the image and save as an image array in MATLAB.

Term Project - fractal flame images: generation and manipulation

PART I: Introduction to fractals
(1) Fractal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(2) Iterated function system
(3) Apophysis software
(4) Fractal -- from Wolfram MathWorld

PART II: Basic fractal generating programs:
(5) Example C program #1 - tri.c
(6) Example Matlab program #2 - tri_dila.m
(7) Example Matlab program #3 - fern_cpst.m

PART III: Fractal flame generator
(8) Fractal flame paper
(9) Visit the website http://www.apophysis.org/ to download the Freeware fractal flame editor and find tutorials.
(10) Use the freeware editor to generate 2-D fractal images, 3-D fractal images, or even the animated fractal video

1. 題目,姓名,學號
2. 簡介:碎形原理,使用軟體原理介紹
3. 2D與3D碎形圖形繪圖環境(設定與參數)
4. 實驗結果圖形
5. 結論與討論

*注意事項:期末專題報告以Word軟體撰寫,以Winzip or RAR軟體壓縮後(需小於5M Bytes)在6/15下午五點以前email給老師, 超過時間每一天扣學期成績總分五分。

Last modified on 2009/4/29