98年第1學期 研究生書報討論行事曆
981 speaker
週次 |
日期 |
邀請學者與演講題目 |
1 |
0925 |
2 |
1002 |
飛利浦建興電子 林益民 副理 題目: LED 發展現況及應用 |
3 |
1009 |
林約瑟 牧師 題目: 我的世界大不同 |
4 |
1016 |
台大網路多媒體研究所 李明穗 教授 演講題目:An Efficient Upsampling Technique for Images and Videos Abstract:
A block-based upsampling method for images and
videos is presented in this talk. Block classification is first conducted in
the DCT domain to categorize 8x8 image blocks into several types: smooth
areas, edges and others. For the plain background and smooth surfaces, simple
patches are used to enlarge the image size without degrading the resultant
visual quality. Since human eyes are more sensitive to edges, a more
sophisticated technique is applied to edge blocks. They are approximated by a
facet model so that the image data at subpixel positions can be generated
accordingly. By taking temporal information into account, this concept can
further be applied to videos. To upsample an image block in the current
frame, we may borrow the upsampled version of the corresponding block in the
reference frame if the residual is tolerable. Experimental results are shown
to demonstrate the great reduction of computational complexity while the
output visual quality still remains satisfactory. |
5 |
1023 |
6 |
1030 |
黃正能教授 無線網路與監控視訊處理論壇暨研討會 |
7 |
1106 |
8 |
1113 |
9 |
1120 |
期中考週 |
10 |
1127 |
11 |
1204 |
12 |
1211 |
13 |
1218 |
14 |
1225 |
15 |
0101 |
元旦放假 |
16 |
0108 |
繳交期末報告 |
17 |
0115 |
18 |
0122 |
期末考週 |