

  1. 光資訊處理、電腦生成全像、與光資訊安全
  2. 人工智慧醫學影像處理
  3. 信號處理、影像與視訊壓縮演算法設計
  1. 光電與資訊實驗室, 國立雲林科技大學電機工程系, 2001/08~present
  2. 雲科大智慧辨識產業服務研究中心技術團隊(YunTech Intelligent Recognition Industrial Service Research Center),2021/1~present
  3. Biomedical Imaging Laboratory, Department of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, 2014/8~2015/7
  4. Information Processing Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 2007/8~2008/7
  5. 網路多媒體研究群,朝陽科技大學資資訊管理系,2001/2~2001/7
  6. 資訊安全研究群,朝陽科技大學資資訊管理系,2000/9~2000/12
  7. Special Interests Group for Medical Image Processing (SIGMIP), 台中榮民總醫院資訊室, 1998/6~2000/12
  8. 信號與媒體實驗室,國立中正大學電機工程系,1991/7~1997/7
  9. Laboratory for excellence in optical data processing (LEODP), Department of electrical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1995/9~1996/5
  10. Computer Vision/Graphics and Image Processing Group, College of Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, 1992~1997
    四、 指導學生專題製作

        Last Modified on 2021/3/18