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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2024). How the perception of climate change impacts sustainable tourism: Empirical evidence from Taiwan. Current Issues in Tourism (in press). ( SSCI; IF=5.7). I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2023). How do smart tourism experiences affect visitors’ environmentally responsible behavior? Influence analysis of nature-based tourists in Taiwan. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 55 1-10. ( SSCI; IF=7.629, Rank=12/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., & Chen, J. C. (2023). Influence analysis of interpretation services on ecotourism behavior for wildlife tourists. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31 (5), 1233-1251. ( SSCI; IF=9.470, Rank=7/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Lin, Y. H., & Wang, C. K. (2023). Can aboriginal image contribute to aboriginal cultural identity? Evidence from the perspective of tourists’ image. Current Issues in Tourism, 26 (7), 1051-1066. ( SSCI; IF=7.578, Rank=15/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Lin, Y. H., Fu, C. J., & Chang, C. F. (2023). Segmentation based on environmentally responsible behavior: Evidence from SCUBA divers in Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia. International Journal of Tourism Research . (Front cover)
( SSCI; IF=4.737, Rank=23/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Lin, Y. H., Fu, C. J., & Chang, C. F. (2023). Segmentation based on environmentally responsible behavior: Evidence from SCUBA divers in Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia. International Journal of Tourism Research, 25 (2), 249-265.
( SSCI; IF=4.737, Rank=23/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Kuo, F. Y, & Liu, J. T. (2023). Influence analysis of employees’ support for corporate environmental responsibility: Evidence from Taiwan’s recreational areas. Current Issues in Tourism, 26 (1), 31-46. ( SSCI; IF=7.578, Rank=15/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Fu, C. J., & Chen, M. H. (2023). Elucidating international travelers’ tourism image of Taiwan: A qualitative approach. Sustainability , 15 (3), 1905. ( SSCI; IF=3.889, Rank=57/128 in Environmental Studies, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2023). How does personality affect COVID-19 pandemic travel risk perceptions and behavior? Evidence from segment analysis in Taiwan. Sustainability , 15, 655. ( SSCI; IF=3.889, Rank=57/127 in Environmental Studies, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2022). Development and validation of the smart tourism experience scale. Sustainability , 14, 12461. ( SSCI; IF=3.889, Rank=57/127 in Environmental Studies, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lin, Y. H., Lee, T. H. (2022). Does the perception of sustainability matter for environmentally responsible behavior? Empirical evidence from national park residents. International Journal of Tourism Research, 24 (4), 593-609. ( SSCI; IF=4.737, Rank=23/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Ghen, C. T. & Chang, P. S. (2022). How Family Support and Constraints Negotiation Affect Enduring Leisure Involvement? Evidence from Handicapped Caregivers. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, 35 (2),33-57. ( TSSCI )
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2022). How does tourism image affect visitor perceptions of a festival’s identity? Influence analysis of three aboriginal festivals in Taiwan. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 24, 100704. ( SSCI; IF=7.158, Rank=17/57 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2022). The effect of leisure and recreation on sustainable tourism: An editorial commentary. Sustainability, 14 (1), 54. ( SSCI; IF=3.889, Rank=57/128 in Environmental Studies, 2021).
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lee, T. H., Yang, P. Y. (2021). Examining the Relationships between Experiencescape and Loyalty: The Case Study of Tsou Ma Lai Farm. Marketing Review. (Accepted) |
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Lee, T. H., HUANG, S. Y., & Chang, P. S. (2021). Market Segmentation of Heritage Tourism Destination: Empirical Analysis from Tourists at Lukang Heritage Recreation Area. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, 34 37-65. (TSSCI)
I am the first author and corresponding author. |
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Lin, Y. H., Lee, T. H., & Wang, C. K. (2021). Influence analysis of sustainability perceptions on sense of community and support for sustainable community development. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 12223. ( SSCI; IF=3.390). |
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Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., & Liu, J. T. (2021). Developing an indicator framework for assessing sustainable tourism: Evidence from a Taiwan ecological resort. Ecological Indicators, 125, 107596. ( SCI; IF=4.958, Rank=72/305 in Environmental Sciences, 2020). |
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Lee, T. H.,* Jan, F. H., & Lin, Y. H. (2021). How authentic experience affects traditional religious tourism development: Evidence from the Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage, Taiwan. Journal of Travel Research, 60 (5), 1140-1157. ( SSCI; IF=10.982, Rank= 2/58 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2020). |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2020). How does involvement affect attendees’ aboriginal tourism image? Evidence from aboriginal festivals in Taiwan. Current Issues in Tourism, 24 (17), 2421-2444 ( SSCI; IF=7.430, Rank= 8/58 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2020). |
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Lin, Y. H., & Lee, T. H. (2020). How the authentic experience of a traditional cultural festival affects the attendee’s perception of festival identity and place identity. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 11 (3), 357-373. ( ESCI; Scopus). |
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Lin, Y. H., & Lee, T. H. (2020). How do recreation experiences affect visitors’ environmentally responsible behavior? Evidence from recreationists visiting ancient trails in Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28 (5), 705-726. ( SSCI; IF=7.968, Rank= 6/58 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2020). |
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Lee, T. H., Fu, C. J., & Chen, Y. Y. (2020). Trust factors for organic foods: Consumer buying behavior. British Food Journal, 122 (2), 414-431. ( SCI; IF=2.518, Rank= 81/164 in Food Science & Technolgy, 2020). |
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Lee, T. H., & & Jan, F. H. (2019a). Low-carbon tourism experience: A multidimensional scale development. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 43 (6), 890-918. (SSCI; IF=5.161, Rank= 19/58 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2020) |
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Lee, T. H., Fu, C. J., & Tsai, L. F. (2019). How servicescape and service experience affect loyalty: Evidence from attendees at the Taipei International Travel Fair. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 20 (5), 398-420. ( ESCI; SCOPUS). |
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Lee, T. H. (2019). Sense of Place and Tourism. Bulletin of The Geographical Socity of China, 63, 1-9. |
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Lee, T. H., HsuJan, F. J. (2019). The Happiness of Leisure: A Case Study of Mailiao Kongfan Temple. Sustainable Community-based Tourism Studies,3 (1),1-16. |
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Lee, T. H., & Chang, C. F., & Jan, F. H. (2019). The interaction between recreationists and green sea turtles: Assessing sustainable tourism in Liuqiu Island. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study,32 (1),33-61. (TSSCI)
※ 2019 Higher Downloaded Articles of "Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study" |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2019b). Market segmentation based on the environmentally responsible behaviors of community-based tourists: Evidence from Taiwan’s community-based destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21 (3), 400-411. (SSCI, IF=3.791, Rank=27/58 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2020). |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2019c). Can community-based tourism contribute to sustainable development? Evidence from residents' perceptions of sustainability. Tourism Management, 70, 368-380. (SSCI; IF=10.967, Rank= 3/58 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2020) |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2018). Ecotourism behavior of nature-based tourists: An integrative framework. Journal of Travel Research, 57(6), 792-810 (SSCI; IF=5.169, Rank= 2/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2018) |
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Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., Tseng, C. H., & Lin, Y. F. (2018). Segmentation byrecreation experience in island-based tourism: A case study of Taiwan’s LiuqiuIsland. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(3), 362-378. (SSCI, IF=3.329, Rank=8/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017). |
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Lee, T. H., Fu, C. J., & Tsai, L. F. (2018). Why does a firm participate in a travel exhibition? A case study of the Taipei International Travel Fair. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(7), 677-690. (SSCI, IF=1.352, Rank=34/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017). |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2018). Development and validation of the ecotourism behavior scale. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(2), 191-203 (SSCI, IF=2.449, Rank=15/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017). |
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Lee, T. H., Chao, W. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2018). Cultural inheritance of Hakka cuisine: A perspective from tourists’ experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7(1), 101-111. (SSCI; IF=3.667, Rank= 4/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017) |
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Lee, T. H., Chen, Y. Y., & Chen, M. H. (2018). Assessing a sustainable development model for organic agriculture: The example of leisure farms in Taiwan. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 17(3), 675-684.(SCI, IF=1.334, Rank=170/241 in Environmental Sciences, 2017) |
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (Dec 18, 2017). Tourism in Taiwan: The need for environmentally responsible behaviour. Taiwan Insight – The online magazine of the Taiwan Studies Programme |
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Lee, T. H., & Chang, P. S. (2017). Examining the relationships amongfestivalscape, experiences, and identity: Evidence from two Taiwanese aboriginalfestivals. Leisure Studies (SSCI), 36(4), 453-467. (SSCI; IF=2.247, Rank=20/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017) |
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Tsaur, S. S., Huang, C.C., & Lee, T. H. (2017). A multidimensional scale of activity attachment for leisure tourists. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22 (2), 200-212. (SSCI; IF=1.352, Rank= 34/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (Dec 18, 2017). Tourism in Taiwan: The need for environmentally responsible behaviour. Taiwan Insight – The online magazine of the Taiwan Studies Programme.
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Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2017). Development and validation of the ecotourism behavior scale. International Journal of Tourism Research (in press). (SSCI, IF=1.857, Rank= 16/45 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2016).
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., Tseng, C. H., & Lin, Y. F. (2017). Segmentation by recreation experience in island-based tourism: A case study of Taiwan’s Liuqiu Island. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (in press). (SSCI, IF=2.978, Rank=5/45 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2016).
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2017). Ecotourism behavior of nature-based tourists: An integrative framework. Journal of Travel Research (Accepted) (Journal of Travel Research (SSCI; IF=4.564, Top 4.4 %, Rank= 2/45 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2016).
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., & Chang, P. S. (2017). Examining the relationships among festivalscape, experiences, and identity: Evidence from two Taiwanese aboriginal festivals. Leisure Studies (SSCI), 36(4), 453-467. (SSCI; IF=1.476, Rank=21/45 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2016)
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Lee, T. H.,Jan,F. H., Liu, J. T., & Lei, H. S. (2017). Eco-environmental innovation: A competitive importance-performance analysis of forest ecological resorts. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, 30(4),97-135. (TSSCI)
![](images/arrow.jpg) | Lee, T. H., Chao, W. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2016). Cultural inheritance of Hakka cuisine: A perspective from tourists’ experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (Accepted) (SSCI; IF=1.556, Rank= 20/45 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2016)
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Lee, T. H., Chen, Y. Y., & Chen, M. H. (2016). Assessing a sustainable development model for organic agricult. The example of leisure farms in Taiwan. Environal Engineering and Management Journal (in press). (SCI, IF=1.096, Rank=179/229 in Environmental Sciences, 2016) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., & Hsieh, H. P. (2016). Indicators of sustainable
tourism: A case study from a Taiwan’s Wetland. Ecological Indicators, 67,
779-787 (SCI, IF=3.983, Rank=48/241 in Environmental Sciences, 2017). |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., & Chang, P. S., & Luo, Y. W. (2016). Elucidating the relationships among destination images, recreation experience, and authenticity of the Shengxing Heritage Recreation Area in Taiwan. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 11(4), 349-361. (Scopus) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2015).The influence of recreation experience and
environmental attitude on the environmentally responsible behavior of community-based tourists in Taiwan. Journal of
Sustainable Tourism, 23(7), 1063-1094.(SSCI, IF=3.329, Rank= 8/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
T. H., & Jan, F. H. (2015). The effects of recreation experience, environmental
attitude, and biospheric value on the environmentally responsible behavior of
nature-based tourists. Environmental Management, 56(1), 193-208.(SCI,
IF=2.177, Rank=113/241 in Environmental Sciences, 2017)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., & Huang, G. W. (2015). The influence of recreation experiences on environmentally
responsible behavior: The case of Liuqiu Island, Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(6), 947-967.
(SSCI; IF=3.329, Rank= 8/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017)
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T. H., & Tseng, C. H. (2015). How personality and
risk-taking attitude affect the adventure behavior of adventure recreationists.
Tourism Geographies, 17(3), 307-331. (SSCI;
IF==2.068, Rank=24/50 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism, 2017) 榮獲「Editor's Choice Collection Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., Fu, C. J., & Chang, P. S. (2015). The
support of attendees for tourism development: Evidence from religious
festivals, Taiwan. Tourism Geographies, 17(2), 223-234. (SSCI; IF=2.068, Rank=24/50 in Hospitality, Leisure,
Sport & Tourism, 2017) |
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Lee, T. H., Liu, Y. C., & Hung, C. H. (2014). Exploring equestrian enterprises andexamining the relationship between service experiences and loyalty ofrecreationists among equestrian clubs. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, 27(1), 29-64. (TSSCI)
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Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., & Chang, P. S. (2014). Can film contribute to tourism image?Evidence from “Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale.” Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, 20(2), 109-137. (TSSCI)
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Lee, T. H., Jan, F. H., & Yang, C. C. (2013). Conceptualizing and measuring environmentally responsible behaviors from the perspective of community-based tourists. Tourism Management, 36, 454-468. (SSCI, IF=5.921, Rank=1/50 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism, 2017)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H., & Shen, Y. L. (2013). The influence of leisure involvement and place attachment on destination loyalty: Evidence from recreationists walking their dogs in urban parks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 33(1), 76-85. (SSCI; IF=3.553, Rank=20/108 in Environmental Studies, 2017) |
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Lee, T. H. (2013). Influence analysis of community resident support for sustainable tourism development. Tourism Management, 34(1), 37-46. (SSCI, IF=5.921, Rank=1/50 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism, 2017) 本論文榮獲 the prestigious Emerald Citations of Excellence for 2016.
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Lee, T. H., & Hsu, F. Y. (2013). Examining how attending motivation and satisfaction affect loyalty for attendees at aboriginal festivals- Evidences from Amis Ilisin and Saisiyat Pas-taai. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(1), 18-34. (SSCI, IF=2.449, Rank= 15/50 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, 2017)
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Lee, T. H., & Chang, Y. S. (2012).The influence of experiential marketing andactivity involvement on the loyalty intentions of wine tourists in Taiwan. Leisure Studies, 31(1), 103-121. (SSCI)
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Hung, C. S., & Lee, T. H. (2012). Examining how place attachment and recreation involvement affect satisfaction and future behavior: Evidence from surfing recreationists. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 34(1), 93-105. (SSCI)
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Lee, T. H., & Chang, Y. S. 2011.The influence of experiential marketing and activity
involvement on the loyalty intentions of wine tourists in Taiwan. Leisure Studies (in press; SSCI)
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Lee, T. H., & Riu, R. T. 2011.
Applying SWOT analysis to strategy formulation for the recreational areas of
central Taiwan. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism, 2(3),
38-47. (International Journal)
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Lee, T. H.2010. Assessing the recreation experiences of hot spring recreation areas in Taiwan. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 193-203. (SSCI)
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Lee, T. H.2009a. A structural model for examining how destination image and interpretation service affect future behavior: A case study of Taiwan's Taomi eco-village. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(6), 727-745. (SSCI)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
T. H. 2009b. A structural model to examine how destination
image, attitude, and motivation affect the future behavior of tourists. Leisure Sciences, 31(3), 215-236. (SSCI)
※The Second Most Downloaded Articles in 2010※
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Lee, T. H.,
& Cheng F. M. (2009). Examining the relationships among
recreation involvement, recreation motivation, satisfaction, and
after-travel behavior- Example of river tracing recreationists.
Annals of Leisure and Recreation Research, 3(1), 111-138. (in Chinese with
English summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Huang, C. C., & Lee,
T. H. (2009). Trends of wildlife tourism in Taiwan.
Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,
2(1), 1-13. (in Chinese with English summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.,
& Hsu, Y. C. (2008). The recreation
behavioral model of firefly-watching: Examples of Ruohlan resort
and Dungshih forest recreation area. Kaohsiung Normal University
Journal, 25, 51-68. (in Chinese with English
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.,
& Yu. S. T. (2008). Examining the behavioral model of river
tracing –Example of river tracing clubs. Journal of Sport
and Recreation Research, 3
(2), 124-142. (in Chinese with English summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.,
& Riu, R. D. (2008). Purchase behavioral model
of Tea Competitions-example of Tea Competitions of Lugu Farmers’
Association. Taiwan Tea Research Bulletin,27,
115-134. (in Chinese with English summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H., & Tsou, T. H. (2008). Recreational Resources
and Study Trends of Forest Recreation Areas in Taiwan. Journal of
Leisure and Exercise 7,117-127. (in Chinese with
English summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.
(2007). Assessing the recreational behavior of Duona river hot spring
area, southern Taiwan. Tourism Management Research, 7(1),
99-115. (in Chinese with Chinese summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.,
& Cheng F. M. (2007). Market analysis of river tracing – Examples
of three river tracing corporations. Journal of Leisure and
Exercise 6,111-121. (in Chinese with English summary)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.(2007).
Ecotourism behavioural model of national forest recreation areas
in Taiwan. International Forestry Review, 9(3), 771-785.
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T. H.,
& Hsu, C. H. (2006). Behavioral intention
of university students from departments of Russian studies in Taiwan
toward traveling in Russia.Kaohsiung
Normal University Journal, 21, 105-121.
(in Chinese with English summary)
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Lee, T. H.(2006).
Assessing a river tracing behavioural model: a Taiwan example. Anatolia,
17 (2), 322-328. (International Journal)
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Chen, L., Chen, W. J.,
Tang, R. F., Cheng T. M., &Lee, T. H.(
2006) A Study of Viewing Behavior of Taiwanese Citizens on Attending
Performing Arts. Journal of Arts,
2(1), 125-142. (in Chinese with Chinese summary;
* correspondent author) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Cheng T. M., &Lee,
T. H. (2006). Assessing tourism behavioral model of Chishan
old streets. Tamsui Oxford Journal
of Tourism, 4, 79-98. (in Chinese with Chinese summary; * correspondent
author) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Huang, L. Y., &Lee,
T. H. ( 2006) Influence of the brand equity on purchasing
behavior- a case study of radio controlled model helicopter. Journal
of Leisure and Exercise, 5, 101-113. (in Chinese with Chinese
summary; * correspondent author) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
T. H.(2006) Assessing the recreational experiences
of Chaishan Natural Park. Journal
of Leisure and Exercise, 5, 243-252. (in Chinese with Chinese
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2005) Recreational experiences of the national forest
recreation areas. Tamsui Oxford Journal
of Tourism, 3, 49-72. (in Chinese with Chinese summary) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2005) Ecological patterns of distribution on gradients
of elevation and species diversity of snakes in southern Taiwan. Amphibia-Reptilia,
26(3), 325-332. (SCI) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2004) Frog distribution and habitat environment in
the campus of Shu-Te University.
Chinese Journal of Environmental Education, 57, 1-10. (in Chinese
with Chinese summary) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2003) Assessing the recreation experiences of islands
of Taiwan. Tourism Management Research,
3(2), 51-66. (in Chinese with Chinese summary) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2002) Feeding and hoarding behaviour of the Eurasian
red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris
during autumn in Hokkaido, Japan. Acta
Theriologica, 47, 459-470. (SCI)
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2001) Mating behavior of the Eurasian red squirrel
(Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus
1758) in Hokkaido, Japan. Mammalia,
65, 131-142. (SCI) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.(2000) Behaviour and body weight fluctuations of the
Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
in the mating season. Canadian Field-Naturalist,
114, 495-497. (SCI) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Kadosaki, M.,Lee,
T. H.(1999) Is Ardea
cinerea expelled by Procyon
lotorin in Nopporo Forest park, Hokkaido, Japan. Forestry
Conservation, 271, 23-24. (in Japanese) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H.& Fukuda H( 1999) The distribution and habitat
use of the Eurasian red squirrel Sciurus
vulgaris L. during summer, in Nopporo Forest Park, Hokkaido.
Mammal Study, 24, 7-15. (International
Journal) |
![](images/arrow.jpg) |
Lee, T.
H. (1999) Habitat use, food habits and mating ecology
of the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris L.). Doctoral Dissertation,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo. |