¡@News | Personal Background | Selected publications | Teaching | Research projects | Laboratory members
  Name: Hsu, Cheng-Hsien
  Sex: Male
    Graduate Institute of Slavic Studies, Tamkang University, Taipei
    Department of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Management, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung
  Social Activities: ;
    2002 Doping Control Officer of University Game in I-Shou University Taiwan
    2001 Doping Control Officer of National Game in Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, & Pingtung County Taiwan
  Hobby: Travel, Baseball, Media compile
  Licence: Doping Control Officer of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee
  Research: Behavioral Intention of Taiwanese toward Traveling in Russia: A Case Study of University Students from Departments of Russian Studies
  Research Result: Lee T. H., Hsu C. H., Chang W. C., Hsu C. F., Liu S. Y., Shueh S. J., & Hsiao H. J. (2003). Tourists recreation behavior of spring recreation area in Taiwan. Thesis of health, leisure, tourism, and hospitality symposium in Leader University 2003, C.10.1-C.10.11.
  Email: s89110161@yahoo.com.tw