Butterfly-watching exhibit

Sparkling Papilio


Some Swallowtail butterflies have iridescent wings,
which shimmer as they dance in the air. There is a slight difference
between the male and female common peacock (Papilio bianor);
can you see it?

1. 琉璃帶鳳蝶/烏鴉鳳蝶蘭嶼亞種 () Chinese peacock butterfly (Papilio bianor, female)
2. 雙環鳳蝶 Hoppo peacock (Papilio hopponis)
3. 青帶鳳蝶 common bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon)
4. 鼎脈蜻蜓 blue-tailed forest hawk dragonfly (Orthetrum triangulare)
5. 琉璃帶鳳蝶/烏鴉鳳蝶蘭嶼亞種 () Chinese peacock butterfly (Papilio bianor, female)
6. 琉璃帶鳳蝶/烏鴉鳳蝶蘭嶼亞種 () Chinese peacock butterfly (Papilio bianor, female)
7. 白圈三線蝶 studded sergeant (Athyma asura)
8. 雞冠鍬形蟲 beetle (Cyclommatus mniszechi)
9. 台灣稻蝗 rice grasshopper (Oxya chinensis)
10. 大琉璃紋鳳蝶 () Paris peacock (Papilio paris, male)
11. 琉璃帶鳳蝶 () Chinese peacock butterfly (Papilio bianor, male) 


Some butterflies are not marked to indicate their genders,
because males and females look similar,
or because their sexual features are note apparent in the picture.

The answer is available
on the website of the Life Science Museum of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

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