
Only two species of
migratory butterflies worldwide

Monarch butterflies
flying from North America to Mexico

Purple butterflies

flying from northern Taiwan to southern Taiwan


Welcome to the exhibition of butterfly-watching paintings.
Let's appreciate the beauty of nature and cherish our planet.


A total of 16 butterfly paintings.

The names of the pictures are shown below:

The purple butterfly family
overwintering in Taiwan

(one of the two migratory butterfly specifies worldwide,
in addition to monarchs in the American Continent)

Eight butterflies only watched in spring

National butterfly of Taiwan: Broad-tailed swallowtail

Butterflies playing peekaboo

Uncle Niu’s butterfly garden preserving golden birdwings

The largest butterfly in Taiwan: Magellan birdwing

(noted as the luminous pearl, the third largest species wordwide)

Sparkling Papilio

Milkweed butterflies flying freely

 (including monarchs)

Unpredictable Papilio

Garden of Pieridae and
gossamer-winged butterflies coexisting harmoniously

Butterflies unlike butterflies

Butterflies that like to drink water

Leopard-like butterflies

Papilio dancing in the ocean waves

Papilio wearing red and black clothes

Butterflies that prefer rotten fruit to nectar


Anita Purves Nature Center,
Crystal Lake Park, Champaign, IL, USA
Displayed in the classroom as a regular exhibit

Eco-exhibit intro video



Enjoy watching and walking around the exhibit venue.


ALL of our butterfly paintings are also exhibited
on the website of the Life Science Museum of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
The online information is available in both Chinese and English.
Welcome to check it out.

We are also excited to let you know that
we also host programs
on butterfly ecology and pollination
for curious people beyond 8 years old
to learn about the butterfly world and
discover how we can regenerate ecosystems together.

Recently, we've hosted some programs on butterflies:
Mar. 26, 2023
Purple butterfly festival, Linnei, Taiwan

Feb. 5, 2022
Anita Purves Nature Center,
Crystal Lake Park, Champaign, IL, USA

Mar. 22, 2022
Community Center of Orchard Downs,
Champaign, IL, USA

***Volunteer with us!***

Since 2017,
we've used the butterfly pictures to host
many butterfly programs in elementary schools, libraries,
and community centers to promote
eco-conservation and human-wildlife co-existence.


Registration for our butterfly program

Join our eco-edutaining workshops on butterfly ecology.
We’ll provide new volunteers with individual orientations
to interact actively and positively with children as well as adults
using our game-driven learning materials.

As a volunteer, you will learn about the butterfly world,
eco-friendly gardening, and interpersonal skills,
and we appreciate your participation as an invaluable part of
preserving natural and cultural resources for generations to come.

To be a volunteer sharing your passion with others,
please send an e-mail to:


Our eco-art exhibits in schools and museums
aim to inspire children as well as adults to understand
the ecology of butterflies, which are placed biologically
at the bottom of the nature’s food chain in the larval stage,
providing food for other creatures like
bees, mantis, lizards, and birds, for a bio-diverse eco-system.

Less than 5% of the larvae can grow up to their full life cycles.
If they survive after eclosion, butterflies become delightful pollinators in gardens.

Enlarge the poster.


The exhibited butterfly paintings are
illustrations from our ecology picture book

7 + 9 Kinds of Nectar: A Little Purple Butterfly’s Search for Nectar

created by YunTech team

News reports: 生態保育,新聞報導

Sep. 30, 2021: 蝴蝶,滅絕了又如何?

Jan. 20, 2022: 台、美蝴蝶聯合展覽

Mar. 25, 2022: 洲帝王斑蝶和台灣紫斑蝶越冬遷移的聯合導覽

Inspiration of Nature