Butterfly-watching exhibit

Eight butterflies only watched in spring

These butterflies emerge from their pupal cases only in spring,
after a long period of time in the chrysalis,
totaling eight butterfly species.
However, three butterflies in the picture
belong to the same species.
Can you find them?

1. 黃星()鳳蝶 lesser mime (Chilasa epycides)

2. 木生鳳蝶 blacktip swordtail (Pazala mullah)

3.       斑鳳蝶 tawny mime (Chilasa agestor)

4.       黃領蛺蝶 orange freak (Calinaga buddha formosana)

5.       升天鳳蝶 sixbar swordtail (Pazala eurous)

6.       歪紋小灰蝶 Chinese hairstreak (Amblopala avidiena y-fasciata)

7.       歪紋小灰蝶 Chinese hairstreak (Amblopala avidiena y-fasciata)

8.       歪紋小灰蝶 Chinese hairstreak (Amblopala avidiena y-fasciata)

9.       巒大灰蝶 Chinese straight-wing blue (Orthomiella rantaizana)

10. 杉谷琉璃灰蝶 Sugitani’s hedge blue (Celastrina sugitanii)

Further information
-The lesser mime is the smallest butterfly in the Papilio family.
-The Chinese hairstreak is also called “a small piece of steak” because its ventral wings look like that.


Some butterflies are not marked to indicate their genders,
because males and females look similar,
or because their sexual features are note apparent in the picture.

The answer is available
on the website of the Life Science Museum of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

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